Return On Investment (ROI) - Cost Benefit Analysis
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If by investing in the Become a Police Officer Master Class helps get you hired and in your first year you make $75,000 not only could you pay for the class with ¼ of your first paycheck but the return on investment for 1 year would be 18,696%.
Another way to look at it is that you invested less than 1% and received over 99% in positive returns.
Failing the entrance exam or not scoring high enough can be costly.
Failing a portion of the hiring process or just flat out not getting picked because your competition was a better candidate can set you back 1-2 years or in dollars and cents could equate to lost income of well over $100,000.
At $299 the Become a Police Officer Master Class prepares you to dominate the entrance exam and the hiring process as a whole.
Almost all law enforcement jobs come with a pension retirement. Getting hired and into the retirement system early gets your service time running.
Failing a portion of the hiring process or getting passed over delays your start into the retirement system which could delay your age at retirement.
There is a good chance that you are not the only person applying for the job that you want. In fact there may be several applicants or hundreds of applicants. This is known as your competition.
Scoring high on your entrance exam and placing high in the overall process could mean the difference between getting hired or not.
If your competition is taking a prep course this could give them an advantage over you.
For $299 there is a good chance that you could sprint past your competition. Many of my students have done just that. Will you?
When people enter the hiring process for a law enforcement agency they tend to put their life on hold - as the saying goes. This is essentially what I did.
Applicants don’t plan things short-term or long-term because the length of the hiring process can be unknown and the training academy can be up to 6 months long.
Using the Become a Police Officer Master Class to fully prepare for the hiring process can help avoid having to reapply and can get you back into planning vacations, taking time off, resume coaching, and taking classes.
Some applicants spend years and thousands of dollars on degrees they think they "need" to become a Police officer.
I maximized related work experience and other key components while 2/3’s of the degrees I completed came after getting hired.
While education helps, many agencies do not require a degree, and this course shows alternative ways to strengthen your application without unnecessary expenses.
Many applicants struggle with oral board interviews, which are a critical step in the process.
Failing the interview can disqualify you from the process for months or even permanently.
Having interviewed over 5 times and sat on interview boards this is my wheelhouse.
This course teaches you how to answer interview questions with confidence and leave a strong impression on hiring panels.
Most applicants don’t know what to expect in the hiring process and waste time figuring things out.
This course gives you direct access to real police hiring insights that would take years of trial and error to learn on your own.
In this class I talk a lot about the things I did right and the things I did wrong.
Although I passed the hiring process for 5 different agencies, I could have done some things differently especially when it came to where and who I wanted to work for.
My mistakes are your wins.
One way I can explain what law enforcement applicants look like is a deer in the headlights.
This class prepares you for just about every hiring process scenario you will see including hundreds of practice questions for any entrance exams you might need to take.
Prep for your new career risk-free knowing that if you are dissatisfied with the Become a Police Officer Master Class you can request a refund.
There are some restrictions so be sure to read the terms and conditions for refunds.